Category Archives: Flower Essences

How stress affects your nervous system and which flower essence to take to give yourself support.

It’s exam time here in the UK, which flower essence to choose? For some it’s [...]

How to beat the January blues with Nature’s remedy.

January can be a challenging month. The weather is usually pretty rubbish and we certainly [...]

Smiling really is good for us!

I am sat here at my computer debating whether to write a newsletter. It’s been [...]

How to choose a flower essence blend.

Choosing a flower essence blend is actually super easy! Some people worry that they will [...]

What are flower essences? Shining a light on flower essences.

Would you like to know about nature’s magic? Flower essences! A source that is there [...]

Sweet Peas and Joy

Sweet Peas and Joy; a beautiful combination. They are one of the first plants that [...]