Intuitive Healing

“Amy has a beautiful way of making you feel safe while you go in to the uncomfortable and deep emotions that might be trapped in your body. She’s also amazing at helping you to visualise what it is you are really looking for and find the answers you need.”

Amy blends her flower essence knowledge and energy healing during the treatment.

Using various releasing techniques, chakra balancing and essences, she works on assisting you on an energetic level, helping you to let go of energy blocks and energetic ties that may be stopping you from being free to who you are meant to be. She takes time to tune in to you and your needs, and you will take home with you a personalised Nature’s Wish flower essence blend, completely tailored to you. (If the remedy has to be posted there will be a postage cost)

Amy will aid you on an energetic level, showing you how to release the energetic ties that may be binding you, allowing you to be free to be who you are meant to be. You may also be called to work on ancestral ties, releasing them and letting them go.

Sessions last approx 60 mins. 

£85 on line or in person.

A longer session can be booked 90 mins.

£125 on line or in person.

A follow up session is recommended 3 weeks later.

Amy also travels to London once a month to offer these sessions, these prices are adjusted to include travel time and cost of travel.

Travelling up to London for one person £200

Travelling up to London for two people £175 per person

To book your session with Amy please email 

or call 07753986810

Amy is also a specialist in residence at Goodwood Wellbeing Spa, if you would like to book to see her there and experience time in the spa please click HERE.


“The session was so accurate but also so specific and true to me. I left with the tools and confirmation of how I needed to make change to live a better, happier, and fulfilled life.  Thank you”

“Amy’s session gave me help and guidance to change repeated unhelpful patterns and habits . I released a lot of emotion as the words spoken to me by Amy were exactly what I needed to here at that time.”

“I was lucky enough to sit with Amy and talk about some strong emotions that I was going through.  She gracefully talked me through my feelings using her essences and her Pendulum.  It was not like doing a reading with a Clairvoyant or a Physic, but more like information and guidance being given to me from my own inner knowing. It felt gentle and real, and she held space for me to open up beautifully.”

Amy’s energy is effortless and natural and I will be using her guidance to access mine in those times of need.  I feel we all need a gentle hand in times of change and Amy is a graceful spirit to guide you.”